Use of Personal Information

We collect, store, and use personally identifiable data strictly for:


Processing and delivering photo orders and related products, including school administration systems.

Managing order details and customer service inquiries.

Providing updates on products and promotional offers.

How we handle your Information

Order Processing & Retention

Order envelopes are used solely for processing and fulfilling purchases. Once recorded in our database, they are securely destroyed by Shred-X.


Customer Payments

Payments are processed through Web Active Corporation Pty Ltd (Eway) (eway Privacy Policy). advancedlife Pty Ltd does not store or access customer payment information. All payment gateways comply with PCI standards.


Data Storage & Security

advancedlife Pty Ltd securely stores student, customer, and guardian information within Australia, accessible only to authorised personnel.


All customer data and photographs are stored on secure Australian-based servers.

Our dedicated image storage servers are backed up across two private sites in Sydney, with restricted access.

Data centres are protected by enterprise-grade firewalls and advanced virus protection.


Image and Data Retention

Images are stored indefinitely for parental access, regardless of order history.

Images required for school administration systems are retained as per contractual obligations and in compliance with NSW privacy laws and the State Records Act 1998.

Parents can request image removal via our contact page.


Use of Student Images and Data

advancedlife Pty Ltd does not use images or data collected from schools, parents, or students without explicit written consent from:


Schools – Authorised by a designated school representative.

Parents – Only the data owner may grant permission.

Students – The legal guardian, or the student if aged 18+.


Third-Party Requirements

School Administration Systems & Apps

By school request, select customer data is shared to update school administration systems.


Customer Service

Customer data is stored securely in Zendesk (Privacy Policy), protected by Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) via Microsoft Office.


Communications & Company Operations

We store customer correspondence securely in Microsoft Office 365, safeguarded by MFA (Privacy Policy).


Electronic Direct Mail (EDM)

We use MailChimp and Mailgun for customer communications when necessary.

Cybersecurity & Infrastructure

We engage BG Unified Solutions for network security, backups, firewalls, PCI compliance, and site penetration testing. (BG Unified Solutions)

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) hosts data processing in Australia (Privacy Policy).
Photo Gifting Products

Photo gifting products (e.g., lunch box labels, coffee mugs) are fulfilled by Photo Create Business Direct (Privacy Policy).


If you have any questions or concerns at any time about our use of your personal information, please contact us.