school photo ordering questions
Envelopes and flyers explaining package options and providing online ordering access codes are supplied to most schools and sent home with your child prior to the day of photography.
At most schools there are 2 ways for parents to order school photos
- Online
- Envelope

Online Ordering
We recommend ordering online. When ordering online, envelopes and money do not have to be returned to your school, which is the preference of most schools.
To order online you will need to enter the 9 digit advancedorder code issued exclusively to your school.
The 9 digit advancedorder code can be found on the top right-hand corner of the ordering envelope or online flyer available from your school.
If you have misplaced or you did not receive a flyer, the easiest way to obtain your school's advancedorder code is to ask a friend or classmate, as this code is shared by your school. If this is not possible, please contact your school office - for security reasons only your school can distribute the advancedorder code to the school community.
Once you have the advancedorder code, visit and enter your code.
Envelope Ordering

If you prefer not to order online, please complete all the details on the order envelope supplied and return the envelope to your school on photo day.
Cash or cheque orders cannot be returned to the school after the day of photography.
Please see "Late Orders".
All orders placed after the Main Day of Photography at your school must be made online.
To order online you will need to enter the 9 digit advancedorder code issued to your school.
The 9 digit advancedorder code can be found on the top right-hand corner of the ordering envelope available from your school.
Cash or cheque orders cannot be returned to the school after the day of photography.
Orders can be made for up to a week after the main day of photography, at regular pricing.
After the week, all orders are closed and the order will incur a reorder fee. This fee cannot be waived.
As photo package orders are usually distributed by the school to the student photographed, this may cause delivery problems when a child divides their time between parental residences.
If you would like to collect your order from the school office, because you anticipate this may be an issue, please place your order online prior to the day of photography and check the appropriate collect your package check box.
This will separate your order from the regular distribution and give you the opportunity to collect your package directly from the school.
Our ordering site is dynamic and responsive across home computers, mobile phones and tablets with internet or Wi-Fi access. If you do not have internet connection, the local library, internet cafe or a friend may be able to help.

If your school permits sibling photographs to be taken (most commonly in Primary Schools), you can only place an order prior to the main day of photography.
These photographs are taken by request - if there is no order we will not know to take the Sibling Photograph of your children on the day.
Schools prefer that parents order their Sibling Photographs online at
To order online you will need to enter the 9 Digit Online Community Code issued to your school.
The 9 Digit Online Community Code can be found on the top right-hand corner of the ordering envelope or online flyer available from your school.
Online ordering for Sibling Photographs closes 12-48 hrs before the main day of photography. To ensure your online sibling order is processed, please complete payment at least 48hrs before your school's main photo day.
If you place an order after photography day for packages, sports groups, extra-curricular groups or event photographs through the school advancedorder site, your order will be delivered to the school.
If you order any of these through the advancedyou personal site using the unique 9 digit code for your child (found on your photography package or advancedyou card), your order will be delivered to the address you supply on the site.
can I order over the phone
can I order over the phone?advancedlife does not accept orders over the phone, and cannot record or accept credit information provided manually or verbally. For the security of our customers, all credit card and B-Pay transactions can only be made by customers using our secure websites.
order not received
I ordered a package for my child, but I have not received itDistribution of photographs by the school can take several days.
If other students have received their package, but your child has not, please wait 3 working days before contacting us at
website, online & advancedyou questions
image downloads
- The most common problem is caused by using out of date browsers, such as older versions of Internet Explorer.
Please update your browser and re-enter your 9 digit advancedyou code at Follow the prompts to download your image. - Please ensure you have checked your "Junk" email folder, as the attached image may have gone to this folder.
The current year's image is complimentary if you have purchased a package that includes a separate photographic portrait page.
This image will remain complimentary for download until a newer image is added, usually this is the portrait image photographed the following year.
Past archived images are $8, if you originally purchased a package that includes a separate photographic portrait page.
Past archived images are $20, if you originally purchased a package that did not include a separate photographic portrait page.
- Your child may have been absent on photo day on that year.
- There may have been an issue or changes with the data supplied to advancedlife that prevented an image from being linked correctly. Unfortunately, if this has occurred there is no way to re-link the image.
- Your school may not have had photos taken by advancedlife that year.
what to expect on photo day
products, photo delivery, refunds and what to expect on photo day
when will my photos be delivered to my school?Photographs are dispatched approximately 25 working days from the final day of photography.
Please note however, schools often have additional photo days after the main day of photography - sometimes weeks after main day.
advancedlife cannot proceed with the manufacture of photo packages until package cover designs are finalised, all photographs have been taken, names and data have been proofed, and everything has been approved by your school.
Simply return your unwanted portion of your package within 14 days of receipt along with your: name, address, email, contact phone number and a description of your payment method to receive a refund of your package.
Please note: A refund cannot be given if the high resolution digital file has already been downloaded.
Whilst every effort has been made to capture a perfect "moment in time" image of your child, at times a photographer can miss the perfect moment amongst the hundreds of children being photographed on the day. Unfortunately, advancedlife cannot return to a school to re-take a portrait. We do, however, offer re-take days throughout the year at all of our regional offices should you wish to come in and have your child's portrait photo re-taken.
Unique advancedorder code: This is a secure 9 digit code that is unique to your school. The advancedorder code allows all members of your school community to have access to your school advancedorder site to order their child's photos. All purchases made using the advancedorder code will be returned to your school for secure distribution.
Unique student code: This is a secure 9 digit code that is unique to each student. This code can be found on the back of any purchased package distributed by your school and gives individual families access to the advancedyou site (personal site) where you can view images of your child's portraits and group photos and purchase past images and customised gifts.
Please note: advancedlife cannot give this code out over the phone. It must be distributed by your school to ensure your child's security.
A $1 online processing fee is applied to orders placed online. The online processing fee covers the cost of providing online payment solutions charged to advancedlife by our e-commerce providers. The payment processing fee applies to any purchases by credit card, debit card or PayPal made online.
Sibling photos can be ordered online, using the school's unique 9 digit advancedorder code.
However, orders can only be placed for sibling photos up until 48 hours before photos are due to be taken at your school. Sibling photo orders cut off prior to other school photos, due to the need for us to supply a list of siblings to be photographed to our photographic team, to ensure all siblings are photographed on the day.
Sibling photographs can still be ordered up until photo day by using a "Sibling Photo Envelope". This envelope requires you to pay by cheque, cash or money order. Credit cards can only be used when ordering online through your school's advancedorder site. See your school office to obtain a Sibling Order Envelope.
Important: Regardless of the payment method you have chosen when ordering a sibling photo, please ensure your eldest child is aware that they are having a photograph taken with their siblings on photo day.
Please note: Not all schools offer the opportunity to have sibling photographs taken.
All orders placed using your school "advancedorder code" will be returned to your school for distribution. All orders placed using your advancedyou code will be returned to the home address listed by the person purchasing the photos.
Free portrait image downloads are only available at no charge if you originally ordered a photo package that included a separate portrait page and you download the image prior to the following year's school photo day. Once the following year's portrait photo of your child has been taken and purchased, that image becomes your new free image.
You can still order photos after photo day by going to your school's advancedorder site and entering the 9 digit advancedorder code, which will give you online access to easily purchase photos. Or you can wait for the school photos to be delivered to the school when you will be given a "Urgent Action" / "Don't Miss Out" card that will have a picture of your child and a unique code to access your child's personal advancedyou online site. This unique personal code can also be found on the back of packages you have purchased for your child in previous years.
Please note: Orders placed after photo day will attract a late order fee.
All students are photographed and given a card with a unique number.
There are many reasons why we hand these out. For those students who did not place an order, the card offers another opportunity to purchase photos.
This gives you the unique code to download your free image, if you have purchased a portrait and group package.
The card also gives the families a chance to look at all the photos that advancedlife have taken and have the opportunity to purchase them.
Once all the photos taken by advancedlife at your school have been uploaded to the advancedorder site, you will be able to view them and purchase them using the school's unique 9 digit advancedorder code. Your school will email you to let you know when these photos have been uploaded and are available to view and purchase.